Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with ELK Energy.
As an electricity consumer in Ontario, you can choose to remain on the Regulated Price Plan or purchase your power through an electricity retailer. What works best for you depends on your preference – similar to choosing between a variable or fixed rate mortgage.
If you purchase your power through E.L.K., the prices on the “Electricity” line of your bill are set by the Ontario Energy Board every six months. At any time, the prices may be different than those offered by a retailer. Consumers who are comfortable with periodic changes in prices may choose to continue to purchase their electricity through their utility under the Regulated Price Plan.
A fixed price contract with an electricity retailer can let you know what you’ll pay for your electricity supply from month-to-month or year-to-year. Here are some key points to consider:
Numerous companies have been licensed by the Ontario Energy Board to offer fixed rate, fixed term contracts to supply electricity. This competition gives you the opportunity to compare rates and offers and sign a contract with the electricity retailer of your choice.
Remember, electricity retailers are quoting only on the commodity price of electricity, which appears in the "Electricity Charge" portion of your bill. All the other regulated charges on your bill - including Delivery Charges, Regulatory Charges and Government Charges are not included in their rates.