Your Safety

Work in House

Are you having work done in your home?

If at any point you are having electrical work done in your home, there are a few things you need to do beforehand. Ontario has an Electrical Safety Code that needs to be followed. The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) has all of the details you need to know before starting your project. 

Make sure that you always hire a professional to make sure the work is done correctly. Electrical work can be very dangerous and if not done correctly, fatal. 

Visit  for more information on electrical safety. 


Gardening or Planting a Tree?

Call before you dig by contacting Ontario One Call.

Ph: 1-800-400-2255

Ontario One Call provides FREE locates to be done if you are doing any work that requires digging. 

Hydro lines can run underground even though you can't see them, there can be more underground than lines above ground. This includes both electrical cables and gas lines. Hitting a cable with a power shovel, excavator or auger can result in serious damage, liability, severe injury, or even death. As the contractor doing the digging, you are responsible for getting a cable and/or gas locate for your job. Make sure workers on the site are trained properly and are aware of these potential hazards.​​​​​

The Electrical Safety Authority's Planting Near or Around Powerlines & Electrical Equipment is a great resource for information on gardening and planting trees.